

Self-propelled lifts

A kézi mozgatású személyemelők könnyen, kényelmesen használhatók, rugalmasságuk miatt nagy népszerűségnek örvendenek. Gyors, egyszemélyes beállítás és egyszerű kezelés jellemzi, ideális választás könnyű beltéri építési és karbantartási alkalmazásokhoz.

A kézi vezérlésű anyagemelőket sokoldalúra tervezték, számos kompatibilis anyagmozgató tartozékkal, hogy mind iparági, mind civil alkalmazási területeken képesek legyenek helyt állni, és a termelékenységet hatékonyan támogatni.

Self-propelled personnel lifts

The weights shown may vary depending on the year and equipment.

TypeWorking heightCapacityTransport dimensions
AWP 30 AC11.00 m159 kg1.35 m0.74 m1.98 m352 kgRészletek

Self-propelled material lifts

The weights shown may vary depending on the year and equipment.

TypeWorking heightCapacityTransport dimensions
SLA-257.94 m295 kg0.79 m0.80 m2.00 m204 kgRészletek

Hand pallet trucks

The weights shown may vary depending on the year and equipment.

TypeWorking heightCapacityTransport dimensions
HPT 250,115 m2500 kg1.55 m0.525 m1.185 m63 kg
TRP00030.115 m2500 kg1.24 m0.54m0.4 m70 kg

All three types of machines in this category (self propelled personnel/material lifts and hand pallet trucks) are designed to be easy to operate and set up by one person. Thanks to their small size, they can fit through narrow doors, are easy to transport even on a pick-up truck and can even fit in a lift.

We recommend it for simple indoor construction and maintenance tasks where mobility and quick start-up are important. Thanks to their light weight, they are also well suited to delicate indoor conditions (e.g. gyms) where the floor has a limited weight capacity and a heavier machine would not be able to operate.

  • Despite their light weight, they are capable of outstanding lifting heights

  • Easy to transport (even on an open pickup truck)

  • Fit through narrow doors

Any further questions?

If there is any further information you need before you make a decision, we are ready to help! We welcome any questions/requests you may have via the Contact Us section!